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Week of April 22, 2022

New Grant Opportunities

Department of Justice
FY 2022 Family-Based Alternative Sentencing Program
This program seeks to build the capacity of eligible applicants to implement or enhance existing, alternative sentencing programs for parents in the criminal justice system to improve child, parent, and family outcomes. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City or township governments, county governments, for-profit organizations, federally recognized Native American tribal governments, Native American tribal organizations other than federally recognized tribal governments, nonprofits, institutions of higher education, small businesses, and state or special district governments
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 20, 2022


Department of Justice
FY 2022 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-Based Program
This program supplies funding to develop, implement, or expand comprehensive programs in response to the overdose crisis and impacts of illicit opioids, stimulants, or other substances. The program supports efforts to respond to illicit substance use and misuse, reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to prevention, harm-reduction, treatment, and recovery services in the community and justice system. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City, township, and county governments, tribal governments, and state governments
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 17, 2022


Department of Justice
FY 2022 Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking 
This program supports housing assistance for victims of all forms of human trafficking throughout the United States. Rapid Rehousing—a type of housing assistance in which supportive services and transitional housing are provided to assist victims to move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability—is the primary focus of this solicitation. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City or township governments, county governments, and federally recognized Native American tribal governments, tribal organizations, nonprofits, institutions of higher education, public housing authorities and Indian housing authorities, and state governments
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 16, 2022


Department of Justice
FY 2022 Enhancing School Capacity To Address Youth Violence
The purpose of this program is to implement targeted efforts to address youth violence through implementing evidence-based prevention and intervention efforts in a school-based, K-12 setting. The goals of the program are to reduce the incidence of school violence through improved school safety and climate and prevent youth violence, delinquency, and victimization in the targeted community. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? County, city, or township governments, for-profit organizations, independent school districts, tribal governments and organizations, nonprofits, institutions of higher education, special district governments, and state and territorial governments
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 20, 2022


Department of Justice
FY 2022 Preventing School Violence: BJA's STOP School Violence Program
This program is designed to improve K-12 school security by providing students and teachers with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and help prevent acts of violence and ensure a positive school climate. Funds may be used for developing and operating technology solutions, developing and implementing multidisciplinary behavioral threat assessment and/or intervention teams, training school personnel, and hiring additional school support personnel. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, local governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments, public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, private institutions of higher education, independent school districts, and nonprofits
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 14, 2022


Department of Justice
FY 2022 Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative
This program provides funding to prevent and reduce violent crime in communities by supporting comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs, including efforts to address gang and gun violence, based on partnerships among community residents, local government agencies, victim service providers, community-based organizations, law enforcement, hospitals, researchers, and other community stakeholders. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City, township, or county governments, tribal governments, special district governments, nonprofits, for-profits, public housing authorities and Indian housing authorities, institutions of higher education, and independent school districts
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 16, 2022


Department of Transportation
FY 2022 Airport Improvement Program: Discretionary Grants
The purpose of this program is to assist in the planning and development of public-use airports, including heliports and seaplane bases, that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Projects can include improvements related to enhancing airport safety, capacity, security, and environmental concerns. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Public agencies that own a public-use National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) airport, private entities that own a public-use NPIAS airport, states acting as sponsors for one or more specific NPIAS airports within the state, Tribes and pueblos that own or lease public-use NPIAS airports, the Secretary of the Interior for Midway Island Airport, the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau
WHEN'S IT DUE? June 30, 2022


Department of Transportation
FY 2022 FAA Contract Tower Competitive Grant Program
The purpose of this program is to support small town and municipal airports in the implementation of airport-owned airport traffic control tower (ATCT) projects that address the aging infrastructure of the nation’s airports. This program is intended to support eligible airports in the development and improvement of a nationwide system that adequately meets the needs of civil aeronautics. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Airport sponsors that are approved in the funding agency’s contract tower program or contract tower cost-share program, as defined under Title 49, Section 47124 of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.), and are normally eligible under the funding agency's Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Discretionary Grants program
WHEN'S IT DUE? May 16, 2022


Department of Energy
FY 2022 Renewables Advancing Community Energy Resilience
This program supports the development and application of solar technologies to improve the resilience of electric power systems and the communities they support. Projects will focus efforts on community energy resilience to investigate the relationship between power systems resilience and community resilience and determine the ability of a community to prepare, recover, and adapt from an event that can cause power or energy disruption. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State, local, and tribal governments, for-profits, educational institutions, nonprofits, individuals, and consortia
WHEN'S IT DUE? May 26, 2022


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