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Online Training

Vector Solutions

As part of SDIS's ongoing commitment to safety, compliance with regulatory requirements, and containing healthcare costs, SDIS has partnered with Vector Solutions (formerly SafePersonnel) to provide a series of free online risk management trainings. SDAO members enrolled in the SDIS Property/Casualty program can complete safety and liability trainings through the Vector Solutions (formerly SafePersonnel) online training system at no charge. This extensive library of trainings is accessible to each district through a personalized website set up by Vector Solutions (formerly SafePersonnel). 

SDIS Vector Solutions Flyer


Getting Started

  • To set up your district's personalized training website please click here to fill out the VectorSolutions online implementation form to get started.


If your district has already set up their training website with Vector Solutions (formerly SafePersonnel) and you are looking to complete trainings, please contact your district's management team for information on creating your login. These trainings cannot be accessed through the SDAO website.


If you have forgotten your district's training website address or your login information, please contact Vector Solutions (formerly SafePersonnel) at 800-434-0154.


**Please Note: The online training program is not accessible through the SDAO website. Each member district completes trainings through their district's personalized training website which is set up and hosted by Vector Solutions (formerly SafePersonnel). For more information, please see below.