Online Courses Available for SDAO/OFDDA Fire District Directors Academy Credit

We have several online trainings and webinars available for you to attend for Fire District Directors Academy credit. To watch these trainings and receive credit, you must complete them on your district's Vector Solutions training site.
To view these trainings, sign into your district's Vector Solutions (formerly known as SafePersonnel) training site. If you have not been already, you will need to be added by your district's administrator. If your training website has not yet been created, please send an email to for assistance with getting that set up.
- Sign in to your district's Vector Solutions training website.
- Click on Extra Training.
- Click on Special Districts Insurance Services.
- Click on the course you'd like to complete. All courses available for credit will begin with Board/Fire Academy or SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy. You can search by title in the search bar for easier access.
- At the conclusion of the training, you will receive a certificate of completion that you can save.
Module 1: Board Member Basics
- Powers and Protections
- Board/Fire Academy: Board of Directors and Management Staff Training - Part One (Watching this in its entirety will qualify for Powers and Protections, Roles and Responsibilities, Representing the Board, Ordinances and Resolutions, and Ethics)
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Board/Fire Academy: Board of Directors and Management Staff Training - Part One (Watching this in its entirety will qualify for Powers and Protections, Roles and Responsibilities, Representing the Board, Ordinances and Resolutions, and Ethics)
- Representing the Board
- Board/Fire Academy: Board of Directors and Management Staff Training - Part One (Watching this in its entirety will qualify for Powers and Protections, Roles and Responsibilities, Representing the Board, Ordinances and Resolutions, and Ethics)
- Board/Fire Academy: Advanced Board Skills: Choosing Collaboration & Clarity Over Chaos
-Board Chair Basics: How to Run an Effective Board (2022)
- Ordinances and Resolutions
- Board/Fire Academy: Board of Directors and Management Staff Training - Part One (Watching this in its entirety will qualify for Powers and Protections, Roles and Responsibilities, Representing the Board, Ordinances and Resolutions, and Ethics)
- Ethics
- Board/Fire Academy: Board of Directors and Management Staff Training - Part One (Watching this in its entirety will qualify for Powers and Protections, Roles and Responsibilities, Representing the Board, Ordinances and Resolutions, and Ethics)
- Public Meetings
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Public Meetings and Executive Sessions
Module 2: Statutory Responsibilities
- Public Records
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Public Records Overview and Update
- Public Contracting
Foundations of Public Contracting (2017)
- Board/Fire Academy: Basics of Public Contracting
- Local Budgeting and Finance
- Board/Fire Academy: Basic Budgeting and Finance Concepts
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Budget and Finance 101 - An Overview for District Officials
Module 3: Fire Service
- Collective Bargaining with Firefighters
- Cooperative Service Arrangements
- Measuring Emergency Service Delivery Performance
- Overview of Regulatory Agencies
Module 4: Risk Management
- Analyzing Exposure to Risk
- Board/Fire Academy: Analyzing Exposure to Risk
- ADA Compliance
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Threading the Needle: Evaluating ADA and Religious Accommodation Requests in the Age of COVID
- General Risk Management
Am I Covered?
- Risk Management: Back to Basics (2022)
- Contingency Plans: Disaster Preparedness and Succession Planning
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Disaster Preparedness and Building Resilient Systems
Module 5: Human Resources
- Evaluating your Executive Director/General Manager/Fire Chief
- Board/Fire Academy: Executive Director/General Manager Performance Evaluation (2022)
- Harassment and Discrimination
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace - What's New?
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: A View from the Top: Harassment Claims Against Elected Officials Under SB479
- Wrongful Termination
- SDAO Academy/Board/Fire Academy: Good Termination Gone Bad (2022)
- Cultural Diversity
- Board/Fire Academy: Uncovering Our Blind Spots
- Board/Fire Academy: Cultural Diversity: What is it and Why Does it Matter?
- Diversity and Inclusion (2021)
- Fair Labor and Standards Act
Wage and Hour: A High-Level Overview