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Week of August 12, 2022

New Grant Opportunities

Department of Agriculture
FY 2022 Conservation Innovation Grants: Classic Program
 This program aims to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies in conjunction with agricultural production. This program funds the development and field testing, on-farm research and demonstration, evaluation, or implementation of approaches to incentivizing conservation adoption, including market-based and conservation finance approaches, as well as conservation technologies, practices, and systems. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Eligible applicants are all nonfederal entities.
WHEN'S IT DUE? October 11, 2022


Department of Agriculture
FY 2022 Wetland Mitigation Banking Program
 The purpose of this program is to support the development and establishment of mitigation banks and banking opportunities solely for agricultural producers with wetlands subject to the wetland conservation compliance provisions of the 1985 Food Security Act.  Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local and state governments, Native American tribal government entities, special districts, institutions of higher education, nonprofits, and for-profit organizations.
WHEN'S IT DUE? October 10, 2022


Department of Interior
FY 2022 Historical Preservation Fund (HPF): African American Civil Rights (AACR) History Grants 
WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to support the surveying, planning, collections conservation, and documentation of historic sites/events, as well as the creation of interpretive and educational materials around significant sites, including oral histories. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local and state governments, Native American tribal governments, academic institutions of higher education, and nonprofits.
WHEN'S IT DUE? November 8, 2022


Department of Interior
FY 2022 Historical Preservation Fund (HPF): African American Civil Rights (AACR) Preservation Grants
WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to support the physical preservation of historic sites, including historic districts, buildings, sites, structures, and objects. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local and state governments, Native American tribal governments, academic institutions of higher education, and nonprofits.
WHEN'S IT DUE?: November 8, 2022


Latest Grant News

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