SDAO Metro Breakfast - Portland
The SDAO Metro Breakfast is back! This networking event will offer an opportunity for metro area special district representatives to connect with one another and discuss legislative topics and issues of concern.
Our primary focus of this Metro Breakfast will be housing and other important matters affecting our member districts. Guest speaker Matthew Tschabold, Governor Kotek’s Housing Policy Advisor, will join us to discuss the Governor’s three executive orders related to housing and homelessness and the production of 36,000 housing units per year over the next 20 years. Matthew will also speak to the Governor’s vision in accomplishing this ambitious goal.
Following Matthew’s presentation, we will offer a Q&A session followed by a roundtable discussion with SDAO government affairs staff. We invite you to come prepared to discuss the important issues affecting your district.
Date: September 19, 2023
Location: Hilton Garden Inn | 30800 SW Parkway Ave | Wilsonville
Cost: $15, includes breakfast and coffee
We hope to see you there!
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About Matthew Tschabold
Matthew Tschabold serves as Governor Kotek’s Housing Advisor. Before joining the Governor’s team in January 2023, he spent 8 years at the Policy and Planning Manager for the Portland Housing Bureau. He had a lead role in the transformation of the bureau from an urban renewal housing agency to a citywide affordable housing institution; managed the development of an annual state of housing report on indicators of the housing market and affordability, as well as the city’s progress in reaching affordable housing policy and program goals; supported an increase in the 20-year revenue forecast by $500 million dollars through new urban renewal, tax, and bond revenue; established a preference policy for access to programs for historic victims of urban renewal actions; managed the development of the city’s first mandatory inclusionary housing program; as well as led other policy initiatives. Prior to the Housing Bureau, Matthew’s background in urban policy, public finance, and governance includes work with the State of Oregon, governments and institutions of Cambodia and Macedonia, New York University's Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, the City of New York, and the United States Peace Corps.