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Pre-Application Info- BRIC and FMA FY2024

OEM Mitigation team is sharing the following information to inform you of anticipated delays and advance information release to the upcoming BRIC/FMA FY2024 grant application.

On Wednesday, FEMA announced that it is implementing Immediate Needs Funding (INF) to maintain a sufficient balance in the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) while Congress works to pass their appropriations bills and a disaster supplemental. The INF announcement had been used in 2023, and was expected this year, with the move to INF arriving during an active and in areas historic disaster period  across the nation. During INF periods FEMA funding continues for Individual Assistance, Public Assistance essential for lifesaving and life-sustaining activities, state management costs, mission assignments, and critical ongoing disaster operations. However, there will be no new obligations for permanent work, Hazard Mitigation, DRF-funded BRIC/FMA programs, and Public Assistance not essential for lifesaving and life-sustaining activities. With the announcement this week, this INF is on track to be the longest period ever, with Congress on recess for the month of August and not expected to act on a supplemental until close to the end of the fiscal year, the INF will delay the release of the BRIC/FMA 2024 NOFO until late September or October 2024.  OEM Mitigation will continue to provide notifications as we receive information. 


Due to ongoing wildfire activity throughout Oregon, coupled with the FEMA INF announcement, OEM Mitigation is extending the BRIC/FMA 2024 Pre-Application deadline to Friday, September 27, 2024.  OEM Mitigation will also extend the current schedule for drop-in hour on Thursdays, through September 19th.   Anyone interested in participating should send an email requesting to be added to the sessions to  The drop in sessions are currently open agenda.  OEM Mitigation will provide specific agenda topics for drop in hours during the upcoming subapplication period following the NOFO announcement.


In anticipation of the official FEMA funding opportunity (NOFO) announcement later this year, OEM Mitigation encourages all potential BRIC/FMA applicants to begin gathering information now as part of their pre-application efforts. FEMA has provided advanced information on program priorities and areas of focus for FY2024 so that communities can get jump started on preparations. Participants should keep in mind that final funding requirements and priorities are subject to change, to be published in the upcoming NOFO, but are expected to generally reflect the following key information in the bullet points below.  Please note, references to applicants refer to states and recognized tribes, sub-applicants refer to entities within the applicant jurisdiction (counties, communities, agencies, etc.):


Key Information:

  • FEMA has updated its HMA Program and Policy guidelines which will apply to all upcoming BRIC/FMA submittals, you can access this information here: Change Summary;  and here; HMA P&P Guidelines 2024.
  • The National Competition and Technical and Qualitative Evaluation Criteria will continue with the point scoring criteria is generally not changing from FY2023.
  • State or Territory Allocation Amounts: Up to $2 million per applicant, maximum allocation covering all activities and projects, including management costs. At least $1.5 million must be spent on Capacity & Capabilities Building activities. These activities include building codes, project scoping, hazard mitigation planning and related activities and partnerships.
  • State or Territory Building Codes Plus-up: Up to $2 million per applicant for building code adoption and enforcement activities.
  • Tribal Set-Aside and Building Code Plus-Up: FEMA will continue the Tribal set-aside of $50 million for mitigation projects and Capability and Capacity Building (C&CB) activities and Tribal building code plus up of $25 million.
  • Community Disaster Resilience Zone (CDRZ) Allocation: In the upcoming NOFO, there will no longer be a requirement that a minimum of $400,000 from the state and territorial allocations must benefit CDRZs.
  • Project Scoping Activities: FEMA will assign up to 10% of the national competition funding amount for project scoping activities, there will be no limit on the number of project scoping sub-applications submitted. Project scoping activities are exempt from the Hazard Mitigation Plan requirement for sub-applicants. OEM is requesting additional information as to what funding ceiling will apply to this category and share that information during the drop-in sessions.

Should you have additional questions, please email OEM Mitigation at to be added to the current drop-in session schedule.