NSDC is Now the NSDA

We are excited to announce that the National Special District Coalition (NSDC) is now the National Special District Association (NSDA)!
This change is driven by the NSDC Executive Committee, which includes representatives from South Carolina, Florida, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, and California — reflecting the growing demand for unity and support among special districts. Over 8,000 members have rallied in support of special districts across the nation.
The mission of NSDA is to unite the national voice for 40,000+ special districts and empower state associations and district leaders in serving their communities.
Our vision is that special districts are recognized and valued as public service providers, essential to their communities and our nation.
Learn More
Check out our updated website, www.nationalspecialdistricts.org, to learn more. We invite you to visit the site for further details about this transition, which celebrates the rich legacy of the coalition and our longstanding dedication to over 40,000 districts across the United States.
Additionally, part of our update to the website is an easier, streamlined member access process. Visit our website, and select MEMBER LOGIN to access vital resources and information. SDAO’s unique access code is SDAO7525. This code is case sensitive.