New Grant Opportunities - Week of September 15th, 2023
Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods (CN) Implementation Grants
WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to help communities transform struggling neighborhoods by redeveloping severely distressed public and/or U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-assisted housing and catalyzing critical improvements. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City and township governments, Public Housing Agencies, and Indian housing authorities. Nonprofits and forprofit developers may apply jointly with a public entity.
WHEN'S IT DUE? December 11, 2023
Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY 2023 Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing)
WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program empowers communities that are actively taking steps to remove barriers to affordable housing and seeking to increase housing production and lower housing costs for families over the long term. The program aims to provide funding for the identification and removal of barriers to affordable housing production and preservation. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local and state governments, metropolitan planning organizations, and multijurisdictional entities.
Department of Energy
FY 2023/24 WaterSMART Grants: Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects
WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides funding to water recycling projects that have a total project cost greater than or equal to $500 million. Large-scale water recycling projects will play an important role in helping communities develop local, drought resistant sources of water supply by turning currently unusable water sources into a new source of water supply that is less vulnerable to drought and climate change. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, Indian Tribes, municipalities, irrigation districts, water districts, wastewater districts, and any state, regional, or local authority with water or power delivery authority. All applicants must be located in the Western United States.
WHEN'S IT DUE? November 21, 2023; March 29, 2024; September 20, 2024
Department of Agriculture
FY 2023 Thriving Communities Program – Capacity Builders
WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program will fund cooperative agreements for Capacity Builders to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support that advances transformative infrastructure plans, projects, and processes primarily in communities that have disproportionate rates of pollution and poor air quality, communities experiencing disproportionate human health and environmental effects, areas of persistent poverty, or historically disadvantaged communities. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State or local governments and their agencies, Indian Tribes, philanthropic entities, non-profit organizations, other technical assistance providers with a demonstrated capacity to develop and provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building
WHEN'S IT DUE? November 28, 2023