Mitigation Updates and announcement of BRIC Selection Results
Lots of moving pieces for mitigation! One of the most talked about pieces being the announcement of BRIC selections. Oregon has two applications that were selected for further review. The Mitigation Team is awaiting information on any changes and the announcement for BRIC 2021. We will keep everyone informed as we learn of both BRIC and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) notices of funding. Please see below for updates and the announcement of BRIC selections.
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Updates
Today we received notification below that the FY20 BRIC selections have been made. More information pertaining to BRIC can be found here:
Of the six subapplications submitted for Oregon, two proposals have been selected to move forward in the state set-aside allocation. Below is the summary for Oregon:
Snapshot of overall selection for FY20 BRIC:
Mitigation Success Story
- Please see attached success story from FEMA Region X on the Shoalwater Bay Tribe’s use of mitigation funds to build an evacuation tower.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Reminders
- HMGP-DR-4519-OR (4/3/20 severe storm declaration) subapplications due July 15th
- HMGP-DR-4562-OR (9/15/20 wildfire declaration) pre-applications are due August 1st
- HMGP-DR-5327-OR (tied to the 16 FMAGs) subapplications are due August 1st
- HMGP-DR-4599-OR (5/4/21 winter storm declaration) pre-applications are due November 4th
It is encouraged to submit pre-applications and subapplications prior to the deadlines annotated above if completed sooner.
Technical assistance including benefit-cost analysis (BCA) support is still available for the disasters listed above. If interested in receiving that support, please send it via email at along with your pre-application (attached is a blank copy). If you’ve already submitted a pre-application and need that technical support and haven’t requested it previously, please send an email to and ask for it referencing the pre-application proposal title that you previously submitted.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Upcoming Trainings
- HMGP-DR-4599-OR Subapplicant Briefing #6 (no registration needed)
Wed, Jul 7, 2021 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)
- FY20 BRIC Oregon Lessons Learned webinar (no registration needed)
Thu, Jul 8, 2021 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (PDT)
- HMGP-DR-4599-OR Subapplicant Briefing #7
Fri, Jul 9, 2021 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (PDT)
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Developing Quality Application Elements (must register)
August 10-12, 2021 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (PDT)
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Benefit Cost Analysis (must register)
September 14-15, 2021 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (PDT)
- Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Application Review, Project Implementation, and Closeout (must register)
October 12-13, 2021 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (PST)
- Full details can be found here.
Stephen Richardson
Mitigation and Individual Assistance
Section Manager
Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Office (503) 378-3316
Cell (971) 332-0005