FEMA-4562-DR FEMA Public Assistance Update - 11-13-20
FEMA and State Program Delivery Managers (PDMG) staff are standing by to get the FEMA Public Assistance delivery process started. Knowing we have extended the deadline to submit the RPA to December 13th, we still encourage applicants to submit as soon as possible. FEMA PDMGS will start cold calling potential applicants that participated in the Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) to encourage to submit their RPA and/or register in Grants Portal. Note – an applicant did not have to participate in the PDA to submit an RPA for DR4562.
What to expect ?
First Initial Steps – Applying for FEMA Public Assistance
1. Applying for FEMA Public Assistance – Grants Portal Registration
Eligible applicants include state, local governments, tribal governments, special districts and certain private nonprofits (PNP) in designated areas may apply directly through registering in FEMA Grants Portal.
For new Applicants registering in Grants Portal
- Go to https://grantee.fema.gov/
- Register Your Organization for Public Assistance
- Complete organizational profile (basic information about organization)
- New Applicants will select NO when prompted in Grants Portal to submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) - (DR4562 option to submit RPA is not available until registration process is complete and approved by OEM)
- After the new Applicant completes the account request the account creation must be approved by the State (OEM) before the new Applicant can submit an RPA for DR4562
- After OEM approves the Applicant’s primary contact listed will receive a system generated email with a user name and temporary password
- Once Applicant receives they can log back into FEMA Grants Portal to submit a Request for FEMA Public Assistance (RPA) for DR4562
Already Registered in FEMA Grants Portal?
Applicants whom are already registered in FEMA Grants Portal can submit an RPA for their organization directly by logging into https://grantee.fema.gov/
Unable to access FEMA Grants Portal to submit RPA or need assistance in creating Public Assistance Grants Portal user account?
Please contact Selicity Icefire, Public Assistance Grants Assistant at (503)378-3934, email selicity.icefire@state.or.us
Damage identification – 60 days from Recovery Scoping Meeting - This is a list of damages, can be very basic. We also have the option to extend if warranted.
Once the RPA is approved a FEMA and State Program Delivery Manager is assigned the eligible Applicant –
2. Exploratory Call
The Exploratory Call is the first opportunity to develop a relationship between the Applicant and FEMA. It establishes the foundation for the Applicant to have an efficient and successful Public Assistance grant process. The information gathered during the Exploratory Call enables the Program Delivery Manager to create a tailored agenda for the Recovery Scoping Meeting and provide effective customer service to the Applicant.
The objectives of the Exploratory Call are:
- Introduce the role of a Program Delivery Manager to the Applicant
- Explain the Public Assistance grant program
- Discuss the disaster-related damage the Applicant has incurred
- Discuss the importance of the Damage Inventory
- Discuss the documentation needed to support the Applicant's claims
- Discuss and schedule the Recovery Scoping Meeting
3. The Recovery Scoping Meeting
The Recovery Scoping Meeting is the first substantive meeting between the Applicant and the Program Delivery Manager. It also starts the 60-day regulatory timeframe for the Applicant to identify and report damages. Damage identification – 60 days from Recovery Scoping Meeting - This is a list of damages, can be very basic. We also have the option to extend if warranted.
The meeting largely concerns the Damage Inventory. It is a detailed and in-depth meeting regarding the Applicant's disaster-related damages and the Public Assistance process.
The Program Delivery Manager and the Applicant also discuss documentation, including:
- Documentation the Applicant brought to the meeting
- Future documentation requirements
Additional information including the Applicant Briefing slides can be found at:
FP 104-009-2 FEMA Public Assistance Policy Guide Book (PAPPG) V4
Stay safe and healthy!
Julie Slevin, State Public Assistance Officer
Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Tel. 503.378.2235
Dan Gwin, Deputy State Public Assistance Officer
Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Tel. 503-378-325