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FEMA-4462-DR FEMA Public Assistance Update - 10-14-20

Below is an update on the Major Disaster declaration FEMA-4562-DR for FEMA Public Assistance.  

FEMA Public Assistance designated counties through the Major Disaster declaration FEMA-4562-DR.

FEMA Public Assistance
Eligible applicants
include state, local governments, tribal governments, special districts and certain private nonprofits (PNP) that have or will incur cost for emergency work and debris removal.

The Federal share of assistance is not less than 75% of the eligible cost for emergency measures and debris removal. 

Category B- Emergency Protective Measures Only:
Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Deschutes, Douglas, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Tillamook, Wasco, Washington and Yamhill Counties

Category A – Debris Removal has been added to the following counties:
Clackamas, Douglas, Jackson, Klamath, Lane, Lincoln, Linn and Marion Counties

New! Other Categories Permanent Work (C-G)
In addition to the categories of work already designated (above), OEM has submitted the request for the add on of Permanent work categories for the following counties:

Clackamas , C-G
Douglas, C-G
Jackson, C-G
Klamath, C-G
Lane, C-G
Lincoln, C-G
Linn, C-G
Marion, C-G
Tillamook, A, C-G

For your reference - Repair and or Replacement of public facilities Categories
Category C: Repair of roads, bridges, and associated features, such as shoulders, ditches, culverts, lighting and signs
Category D: Water Control Facilities such as repair of irrigation systems, drainage channels, levees, dams
Category E: Buildings contents and Equipment
Category F: Utilities, repair of water, power and sewage facilities
Category G: Parks recreation facilities and other items

As soon as we receive a determination from FEMA on this request we’ll send out notifications.

Applying for FEMA Public Assistance

New! Request for Public Assistance (RPA)
To apply for assistance each potential applicant in the designated counties must complete a Request for Public Assistance within 30 days of the declared event of September 15, 2020.  The RPA deadline has been extended to November 13, 2020.  There are new procedures to register into FEMA Grants Portal and submit your Request for Public Assistance (RPA).  Local jurisdictions whom will be seeking federal financial assistance through FEMA Public Assistance are encouraged to self-register or if already in the Grants Portal system, submit their RPA under DR4562.

New! Below are the new procedures for submitting a RPA through Grants Portal:

To Register go to FEMAs Grant Portal at

Those entities who have successfully registered in Grants Portal will receive a system generated email with a user name and temporary password (be sure to check your junk folder). 

The State will be scheduling Applicant Briefings webinars, during these briefing we will give an overview of the Public Assistance program and process . 

New! Additional information that could affect future federal financial assistance

Federal Procurement Rule
All FEMA grant programs are subject to the Federal procurement standards found at 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.317 – 200.326.
 Failure to follow federal contracting requirements can put applicants at risk of receiving full reimbursement for eligible disaster costs.

For your reference:

Environmental and Historical Considerations
Other than program eligibility, failure to comply with federal, tribal, state and local environmental and historical preservation laws could jeopardize or delay federal funding. FEMA has provided a “Greensheet” that provides guidance on the FEMA environmental and historic preservation (EHP) process for your reference.

Other Resources -
Further information on FEMA Public Assistance Procurement rules -

FEMA Public Assistance Program guidance and resources

FEMA Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide


Julie Slevin
State Public Assistance Officer
Oregon Office of Emergency Management or Tel.503.378.2235


Dan Gwin
Deputy State Public Assistance Officer
Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Email: or Tel.503.378.3254