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Announcing Release of 2023 SAFECOM Grant Guidance

The 2023 SAFECOM Grant Guidance has been published by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. SAFECOM Guidance is developed in partnership with SAFECOM and the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC). This year, as in the past, Oregon had direct input into the development of the Guidance through the SIEC’s Technical Committee and the Statewide Interoperability Program.

SAFECOM Guidance provides information on eligible activities, technical standards, and other terms and conditions that are common to most federal emergency communications grants. Grants are administered by numerous federal agencies and are subject to various statutory and programmatic requirements. Thus, grant applicants should review individual grant guidance carefully to ensure their proposed activities are eligible, and that all standards, terms, and conditions required by the program are met.

With the caveat to follow program requirements when applying for federal funding, SAFECOM Guidance is recognized as the primary guidance on emergency communications grants at the federal level and is endorsed by the Oregon State Interoperability Executive Council (SIEC). Best practices and technical standards located within the SAFECOM Guidance help ensure that federally-funded emergency communications investments are interoperable and support national policies. SAFECOM Guidance address all types of emergency communications, including land mobile radio, data exchange, alerts and warnings, and Internet Protocol-enabled technologies such as public safety broadband and Next Generation 911 systems.

Priorities outlined in the SAFECOM Guidance continue to align with priorities in the National Emergency Communications Plan and are supported by the SIEC’s Grant Guidance and Investment Priorities outlined in Appendix B of the State Communications Interoperability Plan. The number one priority remains on emphasizing the need to enhance collaborative and inclusive governance structures, plans, and protocols that enable the emergency response community to communicate requisite information under all circumstances and across the entire emergency information domain.

Statewide Interoperability within Enterprise Information Services and the State Interoperability Executive Council stand poised to assist grant applicants in preparing to align requests to SAFECOM Guidance and the Oregon Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan. Should you have a request for assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing
SAFECOM Guidance on Emergency Communications Grants Frequently Asked Questions

SAFECOM Guidance on Emergency Communications Grants

SAFECOM Guidance on Emergency Communications Grants Fact Sheet