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Free Webinar: Conflict Resolution Skills for Special Districts

Offered by Vendor Solutions Network member In-Accord NW, this webinar will equip you with essential mindsets and skills to manage inevitable, everyday conflicts throughout your work. You’ll learn how to navigate through tense situations in ways that enhance, rather than damage, important professional relationships. Through this engaging presentation, you’ll gain easy to remember and easy to apply mindsets and tools to be a truly effective in the face of conflict.


Training Outcomes

  • Develop an appreciation for the positive side of conflict to help you more constructively face discord.
  • Identify the three pillars of effective conflict resolution so you can fully address each and achieve great outcomes.
  • Recognize how underlying needs are embedded in every conflict and apply this insight to move beyond impasse.
  • Craft a plan to apply the training skills to your work.


Date and Time: June 18th  at 10am

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