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2021 Risk Management Regional Training Series Past Webinar Recordings

April 21, 2021 - Webinar  | View the Recording
Workplace Violence & De-Escalation Techniques
The Workplace Violence & De-Escalation Techniques presentation is designed to help our members understand and recognize the different types and levels of aggression they could encounter in the workplace. Once the members are made aware of the dangers involved, we will then provide techniques and strategies intended to help staff prepare for and reduce crisis situations, thereby creating a safer workplace for all.

*Best Practices Eligible
*SDAO Academy: Elective (5 Credits)
*SHRM: 3 PDC – HR Expertise: Risk Management



June 16th - Webinar | 9am-12pm | View the Recording
Developing a Risk Management Culture
How does the culture of your district impact the overall safety, success and morale of your organization? This session will review tips and tricks to strengthen your district’s culture while keeping risk and safety in mind.

Emergency Response Plan
Ice storms, flooding, wildfires, and of course, a major pandemic have struck our state in just the past year. We don’t know what we might face next. Are you prepared for incidents that can shut down district operations? Jason Jantzi will review emergency response plans and how you can keep your district ready for the unexpected.

Return to Work Update
Join Katherine Taylor, our new Return to Work Consultant, for an overview of the return to work process and ways you can be prepared to safely get your employees back on the job.

Hot Topics in Risk Management
COVID-19, OR-OSHA and wildfire prevention are hot topics we are facing. Please join us and learn mitigation techniques and the resources that are available to you.

Credit Information

  • SDAO Academy: Risk Management/Operations: Risk Management Culture – 5 Credits
  • SDAO Academy: Risk Management/Operations: Emergency Response Plan – 5 Credits
  • SDAO Academy: Risk Management/Operations: Return-to-Work – 5 Credits
  • SHRM: HR Expertise: Risk Management – 3 PDC
  • SDIS Best Practices: SDAO/SDIS Training Category

View the Recording