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Upcoming Events SDAO Risk Management Regional Training - Newport

Join the SDAO risk management team for an in-depth, interactive session exploring techniques to prevent losses at your district. The scenario based discussion will cover what can be done before, during and after an event to mitigate losses. Additionally, while working through the event we will look at it from a variety of exposures including property, liability and workers’ compensation.

We will conclude the session with a roundtable/hot topics conversation. Come prepared to talk about what you are struggling with from a risk management standpoint, what is keeping you up at night, and what resources you need to help manage these risks. This will give each attendee an opportunity to learn from one another about how they are managing similar risks.




Port of Newport - Commission Room
600 SE Bay Blvd
Newport, OR 97365

Credit Information

  • Board Leadership Academy: Module 3: Analyzing Exposure to Risk
  • Fire District Directors Academy: Module 4: Analyzing Exposure to Risk
  • SDAO Academy: District Management: Insurance Coverages (5 Credits)


$25 for SDAO members and SDIS agents. Each member district can use code RMREG23 for one complimentary registration. Discount codes are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis. Visit to register.